Visitors from 164 contries!
Watched by more than
one million!
Vår igjen og hektiske dager venter fuglene våre ute. Men, liker du best å se fugler fra Sofaen? Da anbefaler vi barneboken "Piip-show, en blåmeisfamilie blir til"
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under her, for kr 198,- +frakt​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

THE TEAM BEHIND PIIP-SHOW. From the left; nest builder Mr. Blue Tit, photographer Magne Klann, model maker Lars Aurtande and bar visitor number 176, Mrs Bullfinch.

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Piip-show - the book
In book stores in Norway now. You may also buy a signed copy directly from us. Use the contact form
to the left.
"Piip-show" kan være en fin møteplass
for foreldre og barn der blikket kan oppøves og ny lærdom erverves i et tett og nysgjerrig fellesskap."
Anmeldt av Maya Troberg Djuve i Dagbladet

Welcome to our web page featuring Piip-show! And thank you NRK for super collaboration. The last birds has moved out for this year. We have met Blue Tits, Great Tits, seen a Coffee house for birds, and this last house belonged to the jolly family Flycatchers.
(svarthvit fluesnapper)

Comment from the Guardians page:
"Welp, there goes everything else I meant to do this spring...
I'm obsessed with the comings and goings around my little bird feeder as it is, but this is the cutest thing ever."
Even the Crown Princess of Norway LOOOVEs Piip-show :)

Squirrel and crow visiting
the Guardian
El Mondo
Financial Times
Daily Mail
Hawfinch, Bullfinch and Greenfinches
And this
is what
the coffee house
looks like out
in nature :)
Piip-show barneboken!
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